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Rohos Face Logon
Nama fail: rohos_face_logon.exe Saiz fail: 6.06 MB Tarikh Ditambah: August 3, 2020
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PenerbitRohos - - Moldova
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Makes the standard Windows logon procedure more convenient. It allows you to access a Windows computer in an easy and fast way by using any web camera. Login is performed automatically once the face has been recognized by the program. Rohos Face Logon identifies a user by biometric verification based on neural network technology.

Face recognition benefits:

  • Automatic login or unlocking the desktop when your face is recognized.
  • Multi-user support - You may register the faces of several users for any user account!
  • All registered face patterns are saved and unsatisfactory ones may be deleted.
  • The self-training features allows viewing and registering face models that were not recognized. This will simplify usage and bring greater convenience to face recognition login.