Windows Logon Managers

  • Autologon
  • Rohos Logon Key Free
    Rohos Logon Key FreeFree

    Access Windows in a secure way by means of a USB token, replacing the Windows login.

  • LogonExpert
    LogonExpertFree to try

    Autologon your Windows servers or workstations securely (logon and password encrypted).

  • VSUsbLogon

    Allows to login Windows in a secure way via USB device, replacing the password based Windows login.

  • Eusing Maze Lock
    Eusing Maze LockFree

    A cool software which lets you to lock your pc with your customize maze.

  • Rohos Face Logon
    Rohos Face LogonFree to try

    Access a Windows computer in an easy and fast way by using any web camera.

  • WinLogOnView

    Detects the date/time that users logged on and logged off.