
AstroGrep 4.4.8

AstroGrep_Setup_v4.4.8.exe | 3.04 MB | VirusTotal Scan report
Data di rilascioSeptember 13, 2022
EditoreAstroComma Incorporated -
Descrizione dell'editore

AstroGrep is a Microsoft Windows grep utility. Grep is a UNIX command-line program which searches within files for keywords. AstroGrep supports regular expressions, versatile printing options, stores most recently used paths and has a "context" feature which is very nice for looking at source code.

Included Features

  • Regular expressions (Uses the standard Microsoft.Net Regular Expressions: Quick Reference)
  • Concurrent multiple file types
  • Recursive directory searching
  • A "context" feature that selects the lines above and below your search expression, or view entire file
  • Most Recently Used list for search paths, file types, and search text
  • Ability to save or print all results or a selection
  • Customize the colors used in the preview area
  • Right click to open file with editor of your choice at specific line (if editor supports it)
  • Match Whole Word Only
  • Syntax highlighting when viewing full file contents (if extension supported)
  • Summary of all results
  • Free of charge and Open Source