Wise JetSearch

Wise JetSearch 4.1.4

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Release DateAugust 2, 2021
PublisherWiseCleaner - https://www.wisecleaner.com
Publisher's Description

You just need to input your keywords, select the drive you want to search and then click the search button. Wise JetSearch will search for you automatically and then show you the basic details of the file/folder. Since it didn't create an index like everything, it can find the file immediately. It is much faster than the built-in search feature in Windows.

Support FAT/NTFS drives

Wise JetSearch enables you to search all of your available hard drives and partitions – such as secondary drives, USB drives and other disks. It does not matter whether the drives you are searching are formatted as NTFS, FAT or FAT32 drives as Wise JetSearch supports all of these formats.

Run On Windows Startup & Quick Search Feature

Wise JetSearch is always on hand when you need it. It can be set to start automatically with Windows and in order to access it, all you need to do is to move your mouse to the upper left of the desktop to reveal a slide-down search panel. This is great is you are working on something and need to quickly find a file without wanting to break your stride too much.

Support Search By Wildcard

Wise JetSearch allows you to specify the file you’re looking for along with some wild cards. If you are not sure of the file/folder name, you can use *or ? to replace the letters you don't remember. It also provides you with easy wild card selection like images, videos, archive, email, etc. You can select one file type and then the Wise JetSearch will automatically fill up the field with the necessary wild card text.