Break Reminder Software

  • EyeLeo

    A handy PC application that regularly reminds you to take short breaks for your eyes.

  • Iris

    Software for eye protection, health and productivity.

  • Stretchly

    Reminds you to take breaks when working with computer.

  • Workrave

    A program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).

  • Breakin'
  • Time Out
    Time OutFree

    You deserve a break.

  • Big Stretch Reminder
    Big Stretch ReminderFree

    A free simple reminder tool that prompts a user to take regular breaks.

  • SmartBreak
    SmartBreakFree to try

    Reminds you to look away from your computer screen and enforces you to take breaks.

  • Awareness

    Subtle awareness of time spent on the computer.

  • Tomighty

    A desktop timer specifically designed for the Pomodoro Technique.