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Vidiot 0.3.38
文件名: Vidiot-0.3.38-win64.exe 文件大小: 37.97 MB 添加日期: June 25, 2023
發布日期June 25, 2023
出版商Vidiot -

Vidiot is a non-linear video editor targeted for home video editing. It supports operations like compositing, scaling/rotating, adding transitions and titles, trimming, etc.


  • Non-linear video editor
  • Video converter
  • Video compositing
  • Trimming
  • Cut/Move/Drag and drop
  • Titles
Vidiot main window including audio peaks
Vidiot main window including audio peaks
Main Vidiot workspace
Main Vidiot workspace
Trimming clips
Trimming clips
Adding titles
Adding titles
Video compositing
Video compositing