Audiobook Builder

Audiobook Builder 2.2.8

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UtgivningsdatumJanuary 2, 2024
UtgivareSplasm Software -
Förlagets beskrivning

Audiobook Builder makes it easy to turn audio CDs and files into audiobooks for your iPhone®, iPad®, or other Apple® devices. Join audio, create enhanced chapter stops, adjust quality settings, and let Audiobook Builder handle the rest. When it finishes you get one or a few audiobook tracks in Books, Music, or iTunes® instead of hundreds or even thousands of music tracks!

Import CDs

As you import, Audiobook Builder automatically ejects each CD and asks for the next.

Join your own audio files

Already ripped your CDs? Don’t suffer through it again. Drag tracks straight to Audiobook Builder. M4A or M4B with audio formats that match well enough can be quickly joined without re-encoding. Other common audio formats, like MP3, are also supported.

Create enhanced chapter stops

Give your audiobooks that special touch by grouping your audio files into chapters with custom names and artwork. Apple devices usually give you controls to move quickly between chapters during playback.

Choose your own quality

Get started with built-in audio quality presets or customize to your personal taste.

Select AAC or HE-AAC

Go with AAC for the highest quality at higher data rates, great for music-heavy works when you have storage to spare. Use HE-AAC for excellent quality at lower data rates, perfect for spoken word.

Send your audiobooks to Books or Music

Drag and drop straight from Music or iTunes to Audiobook Builder and build directly to Books, Music, or iTunes.

Start now, finish later

When you add audio to Audiobook Builder it’s copied to a document file, so you’re free to start a project now, take a break, and return later to finish up. You can even move projects between Macs!