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Screencast Capture Lite 1.6
Ime datoteke: ScreencastCaptureLite-1.6.exe Velikost datoteke: 87.22 MB Datum dodajanja: September 22, 2016
Datum izdajeSeptember 22, 2016
ZaložnikCesar Souza -
Opis založnika

Screencast Capture Lite is a tool for recording the desktop screen and saving it to a video file, preserving quality as much as possible. However, this does not mean it produces gigantic files which take a long time to be uploaded to the web. The application encodes everything using solely H624 in an almost lossless setting.

The application currently supports recording from the primary screen, from a chosen window or from a fixed region. There are few options to configure encoding at this time, mostly on purpose to keep things simple.