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FRSSystemWatch 2.0.0
Ime datoteke: FRSSystemWatchInstall.exe Velikost datoteke: 3.08 MB Datum dodajanja: February 20, 2022
Datum izdajeFebruary 20, 2022
ZaložnikFourth Ray Software - - United States
Opis založnika

FRSSystemWatch is a software tool that enables you to view the changes that are happening on your computer's drive, or any of its files or directories. You can also track changes to one or more Registry keys.

  • Monitors and reports changes to a drive, directory/folder, file, or Registry key.
  • Multiple monitors can be added.
  • See why there is so much activity going on in your computer.
  • Perhaps even identify applications doing things you don't want them to do.
  • Free to use.

How Do I Use FRSSystemWatch?

When you start the application for the first time, it will automatically start to monitor for changes to your primary disk drive, which is typically your C:\ drive. You can add monitors for other drives, as well as for specific directories (or "folders"), and individual files. You can enter the full path to a Registry key (see the application's Documentation Center for more information about how to obtain the path to a Registry key), so that you can see what changes software applications make to a particular key.

Click on the "Watch" menu to add more monitors, or to remove the selected one. FRSSystemWatch keeps track of the changes for the monitors you have set up for as long as it runs. When you close it, the monitoring stops. The next time you start it up again, the monitors you had previously set up will be started again.

Use the "Edit | Copy" menu command to copy text from the reports to another application, if you have the need for preserving data. You can also print reports. In addition to clicking on a button to view a different monitor's log, you can also use the F7 key.