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Network Drive Control 1.61
Filnavn: Filstørrelse: 1.78 MB Dato lagt til: February 15, 2023
UtgivelsesdatoFebruary 15, 2023
ForleggerMichael J. Burns - - United States
Forlagets beskrivelse

Network Drive Control allows you to configure the automatic mapping of network drives when you logon based on the network(s) to which you are connected. And example would be to have your laptop automatically connect and map one set of network drives when at home, and another set of network drives when at work or school, and none if it detects that the PC is connected to a network where no mappings have been configured.

Network Drive Control has no limit to the number of networks or drives that can be configured (except Windows built in limits), and drive letters can be redundant. i.e. If on one network you like a resource to be mapped to drive, say, X:, and on a different network you'd like to have a different resource also mapped to X:, you can configure Network Drive Control to do so.