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Nelson 0.7.11
ဖိုင်နာမည်: nelson_0.7.11.3470_amd64.deb ဖိုင်အရွယ်အစား: 26.36 MB ရက်စွဲထည့်ထားသည်။: December 15, 2023
ဖြန့်ချိသည့်ရက်December 15, 2023
ထုတ်ဝေသူNelson -
ထုတ်ဝေသူ၏ ဖော်ပြချက်

Nelson is an matrix/array programming language providing a powerful open computing environment for engineering and scientific applications using modern C/C++ libraries (Boost, Eigen, …) and others state of art numerical libraries.

It has sophisticated data structures (including cell, struct, linear systems, …), an interpreter and a high level programming language.

Nelson has been developed to be an open/modular system where an user can define these own data types and operations on these data types by using overload.