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Active ZDelete 9
Nama fail: ZDeleteSetup.exe Saiz fail: 16.02 MB Tarikh Ditambah: January 8, 2023
Tarikh TayanganApril 13, 2020
PenerbitLSoft Technologies -
Penerangan Penerbit

ZDelete is a data cleanup and erase utility that can delete selected folders and groups of files without any possibility of data recovery afterward.

Conforms to US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M.


Easy to use

Windows Drag-and-Drop and Hotkey functionality

Advanced command menus

Functions reside in context command menus

ZDelete Bin

ZDelete Bin - familiar, comfortable & reliable erasure

DoD 5220.22-M conformation

Conforms to US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M