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DeltaWalker 2.6.4
Файлын нэр: DeltaWalker-2.6.4_x64.msi Файлын хэмжээ: 214.27 MB Нэмсэн огноо: December 29, 2023
ҮнэТуршихад үнэгүй
Гарсан огнооDecember 29, 2023
НийтлэгчDeltopia -
Нийтлэгчийн тайлбар

Welcome to DeltaWalker—Deltopia's multi-platform application for visual file and folder comparison.

We trust—in fact, we guarantee—that you will find this product both useful and fun.

This help, like DeltaWalker itself, aims to be simple, useful, and intuitive. It will, like DeltaWalker itself, introduce you to the state, the art, and the state-of-the-art of comparing, editing and merging various types of files, as well as comparing and synchronizing folders.

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