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BowPad 2.8.5
Failo pavadinimas: Failo dydis: 2.14 MB Data pridėta: December 7, 2022
Išleidimo dataDecember 7, 2022
LeidėjasStefans Tools -
Leidėjo aprašymas

BowPad is a small and fast text editor with a ribbon user interface and syntax highlighting.

A few notable features of BowPad:

  • Syntax highlighting for over 100 file types and languages
  • Handling of many different encodings, including UTF-8, UTF-16 and even UTF-32
  • Easy ribbon user interface
  • Proper dark theme, including themed scrollbars
  • Navigation hints in the vertical scrollbar
  • Coloring of open tabs according to their path
  • Rich tooltips which can show colors or numbers in different bases
  • Extendable with plugins written in JScript or VBScript
  • Allows custom color styles, i.e. user defined language coloring
  • Auto-completion and code-snippets.