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O&K Printer Viewer
Failo pavadinimas: pviewer.exe Failo dydis: 4.67 MB Data pridėta: February 17, 2022
KainaNemokamai išbandyti
LeidėjasO&K Software - - Russia
Leidėjo aprašymas

O&K Printer Viewer help you view what you or someone else prints on your printer. You can view each document printed on your printer, print it again or save as a PDF document, graphic file, such as BMP, GIF, JPEG or TIFF.

The following file formats are supported –

  • PCL5
  • HP-GL/2
  • PCL6 (PCL XL)
  • Postscript
  • GDI printing(ZjStream)
  • EMF Spooled Files
  • Samsung Printer Language Color
  • XQX. Used by the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1005, HP LaserJet P1505 and others.
  • Xerox GDI printing.

You can save the image of a printed document in PDF or a graphic format.

The following file formats are supported –

  • PDF – Adobe Portable Document Format
  • EMF – Windows Metafile
  • BMP – Windows Bitmap
  • GIF – CompuServe GIF
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphics
  • TIFF – Tag Image File Format
  • JPG – JPEG
HP-GL/2 drawning
HP-GL/2 drawning
PCL XL file
PCL XL file
Postscript File
Postscript File