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Notezilla 9.0.30
Шилтемелер аты: NotezillaSetup32.exe Файлдын өлчөмү: 12.26 MB Кошулган күнү: October 26, 2023
БаасыСынап көрүү акысыз
Чыккан датасыOctober 26, 2023
ЖарыялоочуConceptworld Corporation - - India
Жарыялоочунун сүрөттөмөсү

Notezilla is a sticky notes app for Windows designed to keep you well-equipped & well-organized. It lets you take quick notes on sticky notes (that look like 3M Post-It® Notes), right on yourWindows desktop & gives you the best sticky notes experience. 

With the optional cloud synchronization feature, you can sync sticky notes between computers, access them from any smartphone (iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, iPad etc) or send sticky notes to any contact across the globe. 

Sticky Notes on Windows Desktop
Sticky Notes on Windows Desktop
Attach sticky notes to documents, websites, folders etc
Attach sticky notes to documents, websites, folders etc
Sticky notes with reminder alarms & more
Sticky notes with reminder alarms & more
Organize Sticky Notes
Organize Sticky Notes
Assign Tags to Sticky Notes
Assign Tags to Sticky Notes
Spell Check & Text Formatting
Spell Check & Text Formatting
Insert Pictures Inside Sticky Notes
Insert Pictures Inside Sticky Notes
Synchronize Sticky Notes
Synchronize Sticky Notes
Access sticky notes from your phone
Access sticky notes from your phone
Send Sticky Notes To Another Computer
Send Sticky Notes To Another Computer
Search sticky notes, Find text within a sticky note
Search sticky notes, Find text within a sticky note
Sticky Notes with Skins
Sticky Notes with Skins
Convenient Reminder Window
Convenient Reminder Window