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Stronghold Kingdoms
Шилтемелер аты: StrongholdKingdoms-Setup.exe Файлдын өлчөмү: 19.78 MB Кошулган күнү: October 15, 2021
ЖарыялоочуFirefly Studios -
Жарыялоочунун сүрөттөмөсү

Live the life of a medieval lord online in Stronghold Kingdoms, the world’s first Castle MMO. Farm peacefully, engage in political mind games or lay siege to sworn enemies in a richly-depicted medieval world with millions of other players.

  • Build an Online Stronghold – Crush the invading hordes with impenetrable castle defences.
  • Plot the Perfect Village -Plan your village for maximum productivity and watch it come to life.
  • Research New Technology – Farmer, trader, diplomat or warlord? Research new tech to specialise.
  • Fight For Your Faction – Join a faction, attack its enemies and return triumphant with their captured banners!
  • Play for Free! – Stronghold Kingdoms is free to play, with no subscription or upfront payment required.