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Toontown's Funny Farm 2.0
파일 이름: TTFF-Launcher-v2.0.0_x86-setup.exe 파일 크기: 20.12 MB 추가된 날짜: June 15, 2021
출시일December 26, 2019
발행자Toontown's Funny Farm -
게시자의 설명

Toontown's Funny Farm is the first ever single-player adaptation of Disney's Toontown Online. However, it's not just a clean copy of Toontown. It's something entirely different. The game takes place immediately after the closing of Disney's game in 2013, when the Cogs completely took over the town. The Toons needed to find somewhere to escape, so they arrived at Funny Farm, a place that was abandoned years ago, and have been rebuilding it ever since.

But Toons beware... the Cogs could show up when you least expect it...

Toontown's Funny Farm features all new playgrounds, streets, tasks, and a new storyline. It's meant for players who want something different and more interesting than regular old Toontown.