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WinDirStat 1.1.2
Файл атауы: wds_current_setup.exe Файл өлшемі: 630.59 KB Қосылған күні: July 28, 2015
Шығару күніOctober 20, 2014
БаспагерWinDirStat -
Баспаның сипаттамасы

WinDirStat (Windows Directory Statistics) is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows. On start up, WinDirStat reads the whole directory tree once and then presents it in three useful views:

- The directory list, which resembles the tree view of the Windows Explorer but is sorted by file/subtree size,

- The treemap, which shows the whole contents of the directory tree straight away,

- The extension list, which serves as a legend and shows statistics about the file types.