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Network Time System 2.6
Файл атауы: Файл өлшемі: 42.82 MB Қосылған күні: September 20, 2023
БағасыБайқауға тегін
Шығару күніMarch 23, 2023
БаспагерSoftros Systems - - United States
Баспаның сипаттамасы

Network Time System is a full-featured client/server time synchronization system that allows synchronization of all computers and devices across the network with both Internet time servers and local time sources. This powerful software solution is ideal for networks of all sizes, from small office networks (LAN) to those maintained at large enterprises (VPN, VLAN, WAN). Major time protocols are supported including NTP/SNTP and NTSv2, developed exclusively for the application.