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novaPDF 11.8.417
Файл атауы: novapdf-full.exe Файл өлшемі: 113.18 MB Қосылған күні: September 3, 2023
БағасыБайқауға тегін
Шығару күніSeptember 3, 2023
БаспагерSoftland -
Баспаның сипаттамасы

novaPDF is a PDF printer for Windows that allows you to easily create 100% industry-standard PDF files (searchable and optionally PDF/A compliant).

It's never been easier to print to PDF, you simply open your document, click on "Print" and select novaPDF as the printer to generate the PDF. 

You can use novaPDF to print to PDF from the first second after it's installed without configuring anything. However, even if it's very easy to create PDFs, it still contains a plethora of features:

  • Bookmarks are recognized and included in the resulting PDF
  • Your PDF can contain active PDF links (clickable)
  • Can be installed and used as a shared network PDF printer
  • You can watermark PDFs with text/images
  • Password protect the PDF or restrict copy/paste
  • Overlay and/or merge PDF files
  • You can create linearized PDF files (optimized for web)
  • Digitally sign PDFs
Password-protect a PDF file
Password-protect a PDF file
Merge PDF files
Merge PDF files
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