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OpalCalc 1.94
Файл атауы: OpalCalcSetup.exe Файл өлшемі: 579.82 KB Қосылған күні: March 17, 2022
БағасыБайқауға тегін
Шығару күніSeptember 27, 2021
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Баспаның сипаттамасы

OpalCalc is a brand new type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows you to insert natural language as part of the sum, along with multi-line support so you can go back and adjust your previous calculations. Want a tiny footprint on the screen for a single sum? Resize accordingly. Want it to fill the screen for heavy-duty work? OpalCalc can adapt.

Featuring a lightweight footprint, on-the-fly calculation as you type, percentages, variable support, hundreds of units and functions, extensive notation support, intuitive design/documentation and much more. Once you've tried it, you'll never want to go back to your ordinary desktop (or PC) calculator again!