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Hotkeycontrol 8.5
Файл атауы: hotkeycontrol.exe Файл өлшемі: 2.46 MB Қосылған күні: May 27, 2020
БағасыБайқауға тегін
Шығару күніMay 27, 2020
БаспагерInchWest -
Баспаның сипаттамасы

Hotkey control is the award winning and easy to use solution for creating keyboard shortcuts for routine tasks like opening files, changing system volume, controlling display brightness, typing frequently used text, controlling active windows and recording macros. 

Volume and brightness level are shown smoothly on screen similar to OS X on Macbooks. And, a handy Hotkeypanel ensures that you never need to remember all your hotkeys by letting you execute them quickly from a single easily accessible window. In addition to normal combination hotkeys, you can use single keys such as function or number pad keys. 

Additionally, you can remap your keyboard layout at a system level and customize your keyboard's key configuration to improve your productivity.

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