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PSPad 5.0.7
Nome del file: Dimensione del file: 13.31 MB Data aggiunta: October 24, 2023
Data di rilascioOctober 24, 2023
EditoreJan Fiala - - Czech Republic
Descrizione dell'editore

PSPad is a freeware programmer's editor for Microsoft Windows operating systems, useful for people who:

  • work with various programming environments
  • like highlighted syntax in their source code
  • need a small tool with simple controls and the capabilities of a mighty code editor
  • are looking for a tool that handles plain text
  • want to save time - PSPad offers rich text formating functions
  • need a tool that offers user extension capabilities
  • want to save money and still have the functionality of professional products because PSPad is free for commercial and government purposes too


  • work with projects
  • work with several documents at the same time (MDI)
  • save desktop sessions to later reopen all session files
  • FTP client - edit files directly from the web
  • macro recorder to record, save and load macros
  • search and replace in files
  • text difference with color-coded differences highlighted
  • templates (HTML tags, scripts, code templates...)
  • installation contains templates for HTML, PHP, Pascal, JScript, VBScript, MySQL, MS-Dos, Perl,...
  • syntax highlighting according to file type
  • user-defined highlighters for exotic environments
  • auto correction
  • intelligent internal HTML preview using IE and Mozilla
  • full HEX editor
  • call different external programs for different environments
  • external compiler with output catcher, log window and log parser for an "IDE" effect in every environment
  • color syntax highlight printing and print preview
  • integrated TiDy library for formatting and checking HTML code, conversion to CSS, XML, XHTML
  • integrated free version of the top CSS editor TopStyle Lite
  • export with highlight to RTF, HTML, TeX format to file or clipboard
  • column block select, bookmarks, line numbers,...
  • reformat and compress HTML code, tag character case change
  • line sorting with ability to sort on defined columns and drop duplicates
  • ASCII chart with HTML entities
  • Code explorer for Pascal, C/C++, INI, HTML, XML, PHP and more in development
  • spell checker
  • internal web browser with APACHE support
  • matching bracket highlighting
  • ...(many more features, too numerous to list)
Integrated full HEX editor
Integrated full HEX editor
Text compare with differences highlighted
Text compare with differences highlighted
Editing two windows with synchronization
Editing two windows with synchronization