ICE Book Reader Professional

ICE Book Reader Professional 9.6.5

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Release DateDecember 21, 2021
PublisherICE Graphics -
Publisher's Description

ICE Book Reader Professional is the ultimate e-book reader. It is also possible to use ICE Book Reader Professional as a teleprompter. ICE Book Reader Professional is the first alternative e-book reader which includes native support for.LIT,.CHM and.ePub files, and which does not utilize any Microsoft Reader or Microsoft HELP components. Also is possible to use ICE Book Reader Professional as file converter: TXT-HTML, HTML-TXT, TXT-DOC, DOC-TXT, PDB-TXT, LIT-TXT, FB2-TXT etc. with codepage conversion.

ICE Book Reader Professional is not only book reader. It's the powerful book database:

  •  ICE Book Reader Professional allows to store books and to operate the information on them (up to 250000 books).
  •  ICE Book Reader Professional allow ordering automatically a book collection. Just add some thousands unsorted books in ICE Book Reader Professional library for making completely ordered book collection with the minimal efforts.
  •  ICE Book Reader Professional library is unique, because it stores all books as separate files. You can freely copy, delete or rename book files. But anyway ICE Book Reader Professional guarantees database integrity.
  •  ICE Book Reader Professional uses the heterogeneous, distributed, failure safety database. It guarantees integrity of the data, even in case of physical damage of any amount of the data. Any other database in the world cannot do it.
  •  Not need to tell what ICE Book Reader Professional database engine outperforms any classical database. Just try...

ICE Book Reader Professional was specifically designed to make the reading experience of large text files (electronic books) most convenient and effective. Why is this important ? Reading HTML (text, program documentation, e-mail etc.) is different from reading books. Reading books demands more time and effort, and there is greater strain on the eyes. Besides, book-reading usually occurs continuously, unlike the reading of HTML text where reading and rest constantly alternate.

It means, therefore, that more comfortable conditions have to be created for reading books. Otherwise, the reader's eyes will quickly get tired and the risk of sight deterioration will increase. The main aim of ICE Book Reader Professional is to prevent the possibility of sight deterioration due to extended reading.

Save your eyes while it is still possible !

Book view mode
Book view mode