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P4Merge 2024.1
Nama file: P4V.dmg Ukuran file: 523.71 MB Tanggal Ditambahkan: March 29, 2024
Tanggal rilisMarch 29, 2024
PenerbitPerforce Software - - United States
Deskripsi Penerbit

P4Merge is a three-way merging and side-by-side file comparison tool. Use it to visualize your merges, obtain comprehensive file history, and compare a broad range of image files.

Visualize Your Merges

See the differences between file versions and easily resolve conflicts with P4Merge. You can:

  • Highlight and edit text file differences.
  • Choose to include or ignore line endings/white spaces.
  • Recognize line-ending conventions for Windows, Mac, and Unix.
  • Display line numbers when comparing and merging files.

Reveal History

Need to know what changed during a certain time frame? Folder Diff reveals history between any two points in time. Use it to:

  • See what code needs to be resolved in pending merges.
  • Exclude files that are modified, unique, or unchanged.
  • Filter files by name or extension.
  • Organize modified assets in familiar file/folder hierarchy.

Compare Images

Overlay two images to easily isolate pixel-level changes. You can also:

  • Compare JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, and other file formats.
  • Extend using the Qt API.
  • Overlap images or display side-by-side to view changes.
  • Highlight differences on overlaid images.
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