Songsheet Generator

Songsheet Generator 2.14.5

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PriceFree to try
Release DateOctober 14, 2019
PublisherTen by Ten -
Publisher's Description

Songsheet Generator is an application which prints songsheets and songbooks for home, small group, or large group overhead use. The program runs on Microsoft® Windows™(native.exe), Mac OS X (Java-based, and any platform that supports Java 1.5 (.jar file). Song files must be provided in the ChordPro (Chord Pro) format, a common text format found on the internet (ChordPro files are easy to make yourself, if you can't find the song you're looking for). Also Songsheet Generator will import some basic tab (CRD) files, so you can print a songsheet or songbook from any songs you might already have in that format.


  • Create a full-featured songbook, with a table of contents, page numbers, and song numbers.
  • Print one, two, or four songs per page; or continuous 1- or 2-column.
  • See a mini-preview of the selected song on the screen.
  • Choose unique font styles and colors for song elements.
  • Transpose the chords in the song, by half step or by key signature.
  • Print chord charts for six-string guitar or four-string ukulele.
  • Output to a printer, or to plain text or HTML files, with user-defined styles.
  • Print preview before you print to the printer.
  • Save a songbook for printing at a later date.
  • Import basic tab (CRD) files and convert them to ChordPro (Chord Pro) format automatically.