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CLCL 2.1.3
Fájl név: clcl213_eng.exe Fájl méret: 1.26 MB Hozzáadás dátuma: February 21, 2023
Kiadási dátumFebruary 21, 2023
KiadóOhno Tomoaki -
A kiadó leírása

CLCL is clipboard caching utility.

  • All clipboard formats are supported.
  • Template can be registered.
  • Pop-up menu is displayed by "Alt+C."
  • Menu can be customized.
  • Item is paste automatically.
  • Picture is displayed on a menu.
  • Tool tip is displayed on a menu.
  • The format to leave and the format to save can be set up.
  • The ignored window can be set up.
  • The paste key for every window can be set up.
  • Function is extensible with plug-in.
  • Unicode
  • Freeware