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Zazu 0.6.0
Sunan Fayil: Zazu.Setup.0.6.0.exe Girman Fayil: 48.98 MB Kwanan wata Ƙara: September 20, 2021
Ranar SakiSeptember 20, 2021
MawallafiZazu App -
Bayanin Mawallafi

Zazu, is a cross platform and fully extensible and open source launcher for hackers, creators and dabblers. It comes with sane defaults to make it useful out of the box. But everything can be changed to fit your needs. Don't let others tell you the best way to be productive, configure it to be perfect for you.


Accepts some common equations for you to copy to your clipboard.

Clipboard History

Remembers things so you don't have to! Fuzzy search and browser all the things you've copied.

File Finder

Find Applications or files deep in your file system.

System Commands

Switch on your screen saver, lock your computer, and more!

File Finder
File Finder
Clipboard History
Clipboard History
System Commands
System Commands