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Studio 3T 2024.1.0
Tiedoston nimi: Tiedoston koko: 238.92 MB Lisäyspäivä: March 6, 2024
JulkaisupäiväMarch 6, 2024
Kustantaja3T Software Labs - - Germany
Kustantajan kuvaus

Used by most MongoDB professionals, Studio 3T makes working with MongoDB easy with features like Visual Query Builder, IntelliShell, SQL Query, Aggregation Editor and much more.

Studio 3T as a MongoDB client

A client is a software program or application that allows you to connect to a server. Go wild with Studio 3T’s Connection Manager and connect to as many MongoDB servers as you need.

Studio 3T as a MongoDB GUI

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) does exactly as it says. It provides a user interface with graphical menus, icons, dialogs, wizards, and other visual elements. The alternative to using a MongoDB GUI would be to use the mongo shell, though Studio 3T still has IntelliShell – an easy-to-navigate, built-in version – for when you need one.

Studio 3T as a MongoDB IDE

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) consolidates the many aspects of application and database development into one fully-featured “studio” environment. Studio 3T does exactly that by providing a GUI that has editors with auto-completion and syntax highlighting, built-in JSON validation, automatic query code generation in seven languages, and many other features that help you work faster and save time.