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3D Slicer 5.6.1
Tiedoston nimi: Slicer-5.6.1-macosx-amd64.dmg Tiedoston koko: 364.89 MB Lisäyspäivä: December 25, 2023
JulkaisupäiväDecember 25, 2023
Kustantaja3D Slicer -
Kustantajan kuvaus

3D Slicer is a free, open source software for visualization, processing, segmentation, registration, and analysis of medical, biomedical, and other 3D images and meshes; and planning and navigating image-guided procedures.


  • Free, open-source software available on multiple operating systems: Linux, macOS and Windows.
  • Multi organ: from head to toe.
  • Support for multi-modality imaging including, MRI, CT, US, nuclear medicine, and microscopy.
  • Real-time interface for medical devices, such as surgical navigation systems, imaging systems, robotic devices, and sensors.
  • Highly extensible: users can easily add more capabilities by installing additional modules from the Extensions manager, running custom Python scripts in the built-in Python console, run any executables from the application’s user interface, or implement custom modules in Python or C++.
  • Large and active user community.
AI-assisted segmentation using NVidia Clara
AI-assisted segmentation using NVidia Clara
Adaptive radiation therapy
Adaptive radiation therapy
Virtual reality
Virtual reality