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ManicTime 5.2.6
Tiedoston nimi: manictime-setup- Tiedoston koko: 70.81 MB Lisäyspäivä: March 2, 2023
HintaVapaa yrittämään
JulkaisupäiväMarch 2, 2023
KustantajaManicTime -
Kustantajan kuvaus

ManicTime is time tracking software which automatically collects data on your computer usage. It records active and away time, as well as which applications you used and for how long you used them.

The data ManicTime collects is stored in a local database on your computer. Once data is collected you can use our simple click and drag feature to accurately tag how you spent your time.

Time tagging allows you to see how you spent your time based on your own time tags and gives you accurate information on how efficient you really are. Because there is so much data available about your computer usage, you are able to tag spent time for days in the past. Based on this data you are able to generate various statistics. You can easily find out how much time you spend behind a computer or how much time you spend browsing the Web.
