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Rebelle 7.0.6
نام فایل: Rebelle_7_64bit_v7.0.6_MacOS.dmg حجم فایل: 453.98 MB تاریخ اضافه شده: January 23, 2024
قیمترایگان برای امتحان کردن
تاریخ انتشارJanuary 23, 2024
ناشرEscape Motions -
توضیحات ناشر

Rebelle is a one-of-a-kind paint program that lets you create realistic watercolor, acrylic and dry media artwork, using real-world color blending, wet diffusion and drying.

The unique watercolor simulation was created by artist Peter Blaskovic as one of his experimental drawing projects. The initial vision was to create a paint software with the most natural painting tools.

Rebelle is designed for CG artists as well as for traditional painters who want to explore and broaden their artistic repertoire, using the latest ground-breaking digital painting technology.