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SoftPerfect NetGenius 1.1.2
نام فایل: netgenius_setup.exe حجم فایل: 10.26 MB تاریخ اضافه شده: April 26, 2023
قیمترایگان برای امتحان کردن
تاریخ انتشارDecember 31, 2022
ناشرSoftPerfect - - Australia
توضیحات ناشر

NetGenius is a modern Internet connection monitoring, control and optimisation tool. It lets you watch the apps using your Internet in real-time, control their access, and get detailed usage reports. Bandwidth-sensitive applications like voice calls, videos or games can be prioritised. Less important applications like software updates, file downloads or cloud backups can be restricted to and prevented from occupying your entire connection. Finally, the applications that should not be going online can be blocked from accessing the Internet, which is important for better privacy and security.

Key features

  • Internet usage monitoring in real-time.
  • Bandwidth prioritisation for important apps.
  • Bandwidth caps on less important apps.
  • Firewall functionality that blocks Internet for selected apps and folders.
  • Comprehensive usage reports for any time period.