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Auto Hide Desktop Icons 5.88
نام فایل: حجم فایل: 110.01 KB تاریخ اضافه شده: December 20, 2022
تاریخ انتشارDecember 20, 2022
ناشرNenad Hrg -
توضیحات ناشر

Auto Hide Desktop Icons is a lightweight portable Windows program. If you use desktop backgrounds, it helps you to see sometimes the wallpapers clean and in full bloom

With an automatic hiding and showing feature of the desktop icons, an adjustable timer and arbitrary activation options. It is the right desktop tool if the desktop is awash with icons so you can see more of your desktop background! 

As an optional feature: you can also activate the Auto Hide and Show the Task Bar feature. 

Have something from your Wallpaper, of course, only if you used one. But even if not, you can try this freeware tool. An installation is not required and if you not satisfied, you can delete it quickly.

Many users have hundreds of desktop icons on their Windows desktop, and if you have a nice desktop wallpaper, you have virtually nothing of it.