West Wind WebSurge

West Wind WebSurge

WebSurgeSetup.exe | 8.5 MB | VirusTotal Scan report
Väljalaske kuupäevDecember 9, 2022
KirjastajaWest Wind Technologies - https://websurge.west-wind.com
Kirjastaja kirjeldus

Use WebSurge to create, import or capture and then play back Http requests either for individual Http Request testing, or for full on load testing of a session of requests.

Run and debug individual Http requests for single API or Web Page testing using WebSurge a highly interactive and fast Rest Client, similar to but much more interactive version of Postman. Or, use it for Http Load Tests that can play back a session of requests under heavy load with many simultaneous requests and users.

WebSurge makes it drop dead simple to create sessions of requests and run them with ease, so you can test quickly, often and see easy to understand results for immediate feedback.


Rest Client Http Testing

  • Create, capture & run Http requests
  • Test and run individual requests
  • Test HTML, REST and SOAP services
  • Easily run sessions as load tests
  • Alternative to Postman

Load Testing

  • Run any sessions as a load test
  • Easy to read summarized results
  • Test local or remote sites
  • Support for unique User config
  • Export results to Xml,Json,Html
  • Command line test runner
  • Run tests on local infrastructure/VPN
  • Extensible via.NET Addins

Capture and Import Requests

  • Manually create and edit sessions
  • Built-in Http request capture tool
  • Import from OpenAPI or Swagger
  • Import sessions from Postman & Fiddler
  • Plain text, sharable session files
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