Miscellaneous Software

  • VideoInspector
    VideoInspector Free

    A tool designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your video files.

  • Wake-On-LAN

    Power up your network PC remotely.

  • WebCam On-Off
    WebCam On-OffFree

    Easily disable or enable your webcam.

  • WhoisThisDomain

    A domain registration lookup utility allows you to easily get information about a registered domain. 

  • Window Inspector
    Window InspectorFree

    View the window class, text, properties and more, simply by moving your mouse cursor over the target window!

  • WinGet Client
  • WinLock
    WinLockFree to try

    A comprehensive security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers.

  • WinSleep
    WinSleepFree to try

    A Windows utility that keeps your computer asleep when it's not busy.

  • Zero Install
    Zero Install Free

    A decentralised cross-platform software installation system.