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RSSOwl 2.2.1
ফাইলের নাম: RSSOwl.2.2.1.Setup.exe ফাইলের আকার: 3.84 MB তারিখ যোগ করা হয়েছে: September 9, 2016
মুক্তির তারিখSeptember 9, 2016
প্রকাশকRSSOwl -
প্রকাশকের বিবরণ

RSSOwl is a powerful application to organize, search and read all your news feeds in a comfortable way.


What makes RSSOwl unique?


You can download and use RSSOwl for free without limitations

Cross Platform

RSSOwl can be used on all major platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X

News Filter

Automate common actions on news items based on powerful search conditions

Instant Search

Never miss a news anymore with RSSOwl's powerful search engine

Saved Searches

Searches can be saved and used like feeds


Be notified on news you care about most

News Bins

Store news you think are worth keeping inside news bins


Use Labels to associate keywords with news entries

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