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PDFKeeper 8.1.2
ফাইলের নাম: PDFKeeper-8.1.2.msi ফাইলের আকার: 51.41 MB তারিখ যোগ করা হয়েছে: November 10, 2023
মুক্তির তারিখNovember 10, 2023
প্রকাশকRobert F. Frasca -
প্রকাশকের বিবরণ

PDFKeeper is free, open source software that provides a storage and management solution for PDF documents.


  • Store and manage PDF documents in a single-user or compatible, multi-user (on-prem or cloud) database where they’re indexed to provide full-text search functionality.
  • Upload PDF documents individually or in bulk. In addition, Upload Profile folders can be setup to allow for integration and automation.
  • Apply a category/tax year to selected documents and when PDF documents are uploaded.
  • Set the flag state on a selected document and when PDF documents are uploaded to mark for follow-up.
  • Add notes to a selected document that can include the date, time, and user account name. All notes can be edited and are indexed by the database.
  • Find documents by Search Term, Selections (Author/Subject/Category/Tax Year), or Date Added. In addition, flagged documents or all documents can be listed.
  • With PDFKeeper, the following functions can be performed on a selected document: PDF viewing with the bundled or default viewer; PDF bursting; flag document state management; notes viewing and editing; keywords, PDF preview, PDF text, and search term snippets (when applicable) are also displayed for viewing.
  • Export selected PDF documents with their category, tax year, notes, and flag state from the database for easy importing.
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