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RJ TextEd 15.95
اسم الملف: rj-install-15.95.exe حجم الملف: 58.29 MB تم إضافة التاريخ: September 28, 2023
تاريخ النشرSeptember 28, 2023
الناشرRickard Johansson -
وصف الناشر

RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a very powerful web (PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS) development editor. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, templates and more. The program also has a dual pane file commander, as well as a (S)FTP client to upload your files. Below is a small list of features available. For a full list check out the features section.


Below is a small list of features available in the program.

  • Auto completion.
  • Code folding.
  • Column mode.
  • Multi edit and multi select
  • Document map
  • Advanced sorting.
  • Handles both ASCII and binary files.
  • CSS and HTML wizards.
  • Dockable panels.
  • FTP and SFTP client with synchronization.
  • File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager...
  • Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
  • Unicode and ANSI code page detection.
  • Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM).
  • Unicode file paths and file names.
  • HTML validation, format and repair.
  • Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap...
Main Window
Main Window
HTML preview
HTML preview
File manager and FTP client
File manager and FTP client
Find all result and code explorer panels
Find all result and code explorer panels
Text clips and symbols panels
Text clips and symbols panels